Dr. Phil Asks Mold Inspection Sciences to Return to the Show for Another Environmental Investigation

Mold Inspection Sciences on Dr. Phil
When a woman claims terrorists are poisoning her through the vents in her home, you know something isn’t right. But for Dr. Phil’s guest, Cheryl, this is her reality, and upon going to bed at night, she wonders if she will wake up tomorrow.
This has been going on for 6 months, 24/7, and I keep saying, ‘why me, why me,’ and the only thing I can think of is my location, that I’m a widowed grandma by myself.
For at least six months before the taping of this episode, Cheryl has believed a global terror network out of Saudi Arabia has targeted her and is experimenting on her with chemical weapons. How? By pumping poisons like chlorine, ammonia, even those that may be undetectable, into her home through the air vents. Why Cheryl? Simply put, she is a widowed grandmother living alone, and all of her neighbors are families. She believes her home is easy to access, and because she lives alone, she is a prime candidate for the testing of these weapons to “gauge her limits,” or the limits that a human body can withstand. In addition, Cheryl has tried staying at five different hotels and claims that the terrorists are following her – she can hear them in the ceiling and continues to smell the chemicals.

I contacted Mold Inspection Sciences, one of the leading mold, allergy, and chemical testing specialists in the United States. I asked them to conduct a thorough inspection in Cheryl’s home.
Dr. Phil
We Offer CIRS Protocol Solutions

Our CIRS Protocol is designed to identify any potential mold sources, related contamination, and proper cleaning procedures to ensure a safe environment for CIRS patients and mold-sensitive individuals